CHAPTER 95. Friday night

CHAPTER 95. Friday night

Milo was charming his way through the transfer process like the best of playboys, but luckily, in less than twenty minutes, the transfer was completed, and the documents were digitally signed.

“All done. Just need to print them out, and then help me disappear because I swear that woman will come after me,” he warned.

Zack nodded, relieved, as they sent the documents to attorney Gazca via email. Shortly after, they were entering the elevator and noticed Mason and his lawyer causing a major scene in the company's reception area.

“My daughter should be here! The judge ruled she should go to daycare, not that Andrea could take her away from here!” Mason growled angrily.

“We're going to file a complaint with the court right now!” threatened Basil Gagnon, his lawyer. “And we’ll make sure you never get custody…”

“Did your idiot client not tell you?” Zack was angry but knew staying calm was the best way to ensure the situation didn’t spiral out of control. “Ms. Brand
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