CHAPTER 96. A Midnight Madness

CHAPTER 96. A Midnight Madness

O'Grady and Byren were off duty for the weekend, but they were thrilled to help the family of the Baby Storm representative; so, they would also stay to enforce the law if necessary.

“Well, it’s time,” said Zack as the clock struck midnight.

Adriana had fallen asleep early, and Andrea was pacing around her room like she couldn't find any solace. From the second floor of the house next door, Zack could see her perfectly, and he also noticed that all the lights in the house had already gone out.

“As police officers, we can’t condone trespassing,” Byren stated.

“That’s why we’re going to turn towards the TV and pretend we didn’t hear your plan,” declared O’Grady. Zack smiled as he said goodbye to his brothers.

He took a deep breath, strapped on his backpack, and cracked his knuckles.

“Ready, set... go!” he whispered before sprinting towards the fence.

Climbing it was easy for him. Silently, he landed on the other side and ran towards the side of the house,
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