CHAPTER 97. This doesn’t feel right

CHAPTER 97. This doesn’t feel right

Zack watched her sleep. In her exhausted and nervous state, she was perfect, and seeing her rest in his arms gave him at least a little peace in the midst of the storm. Holding back his desires, on the other hand, was a self-imposed punishment that he knew he deserved and, in a way, was also enjoying. He waited until almost dawn and left as silently as he had entered.

It must have been around eight in the morning when Mason was pacing the kitchen like a caged lion. What the hell was going on with Andrea? Was she planning a hunger strike?

He brooded over his frustration until he saw her come down with the baby and settle her in her stroller.

“Do you think I'm playing, Andy?” he growled, approaching without even a greeting, and she gritted her teeth.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and believe me, I don’t care,” she replied.

Mason approached her and grabbed her arm, shaking her.

“You’re in my house! You’re my wife! How long do you plan on con
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