CHAPTER 98. Mistakes

CHAPTER 98. Mistakes

“Well, I have an idea... it wouldn’t hurt to keep a close watch on him,” Milo replied, and shortly after, they agreed on what they wanted to do.

Zack played with Adriana for a while, and once he saw she was perfectly comfortable with his brothers, he took Andrea so she could try to sleep for at least a few hours.

“I’m scared...” she murmured, looking out the window. “This is a side of Mason I’ve never seen before.”

Zack hugged her from behind and kissed her head.

“Sometimes that happens. We never really finish knowing people.”

He held her tightly, and she shook her head.

“No, but if he had at least given me a hint... I don’t know, I feel like I made too many mistakes in choosing him and that I must have been blind if he sent signals and I didn’t see them.”

Zack turned her around and kissed her slowly.

“Sometimes people change. Don’t think you made a mistake; you’re a good person. He’s the one making mistakes. Don’t think about it anymore; everything will be alrigh
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