CHAPTER 99. Entering and Leaving Hell

CHAPTER 99. Entering and Leaving Hell

The patrol took both of them away. The officers had no choice but to attend to both complaints, but upon arriving at the station, they ensured to place them in separate cells.

The lawyers arrived quickly, and if Mason thought he had hit the jackpot with his clever idea, Basil Gagnon was quick to clarify that he had not.

“I filed a complaint against him for trespassing! Isn’t that what we needed?”

“Yes, Mr. Lee, but not at your expense!” the lawyer exclaimed impatiently. “I managed to submit the request to advance the trial as soon as I received the notification of Zack Keller’s arrest, but I get here and find that you’re also under arrest!”

“Well, but the custody trial is the priority!” Mason hissed. “I have to take the kid away from her once and for all!”

“We have a date set, the hearing is on Monday, but that’s not going to go well if you have an attempted rape charge against you,” Gagnon stated.

“That’s not a problem. It’s her word against mine
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