CHAPTER 106. I told you

CHAPTER 106. I told you

It was too obvious which way the scales were tipping, and there was no longer any reason to consider Andrea unfit to care for her daughter, so Basil Gagnon decided to play his next card.

“We want to call Mrs. Brand to the stand.”

Andrea took a deep breath, but she knew she had to get up on that stand. She swore on the Bible and waited for the attack.

“Mrs. Brand, isn’t it true that you have an informal relationship with your boss and could be fired at any moment?”

“No,” she responded immediately.

“Are you sure? Because as far as we know, he’s the one paying for your lawyer, and if you were to break up then...” Gagnon persisted.

“I appreciate your concern, counselor, but I think you’re misinformed. My lawyer is paid by my job, and it’s covered by my company’s insurance. Zack is my formal partner, not just my lover,” Andrea replied firmly.

Andrea saw Mason clench his fists, but his lawyer didn’t seem to care.

“So you are aware of the level of job vulnerability yo
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