CHAPTER 105. Excess suspicion?

CHAPTER 105. Excess suspicion?

Andrea clenched her fists, and silent tears began to fall down her cheeks.

“Is this what you were expecting?” she asked Zack, who was looking at his phone with an expression that alternated between anger and helplessness after listening to that message.

“Honestly, no,” he replied. “I was expecting a threat, some boasting about his money or something... But I didn’t expect this.”

“Well, I guess he gave you more than you expected,” she replied, heading into the bathroom with the urge to break everything in sight.

Zack knew what they had just heard was very tough, and he also knew he needed to let Andrea calm down, so he left to talk to Mr. Gazca and bring him up to speed on the situation.

However, they didn’t have much time to wallow in their frustration because, in a few hours, they had to take another very important step.

Andrea was scared. It was useless to say otherwise. But that afternoon, when the social worker arrived at the apartment to inspect it,
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