CHAPTER 104. I'll Make It Real Later!

CHAPTER 104. I'll Make It Real Later!

“We must not forget that Mrs. Brand has no stability!” he declared, glaring at her with malicious eyes. “To begin with, she is her boss’s mistress! The same boss who went to jail two nights ago for breaking into my client’s house, smashing doors as if...!”

“Objection!” Gazca stood up. “My client acted in response to an emergency situation involving his partner, Mrs. Brand. And if we’re going to discuss that incident, it should be noted that the same night my client was jailed for entering Mr. Lee’s house, Mr. Lee was also jailed on an attempted rape charge.” The courtroom immediately filled with murmurs.

“That was just a setup by Mrs. Brand and her lover to discredit my client and take his daughter from him!”

“There are four witnesses, two of them police officers who responded to the scene, who testified to the attempted assault!” Gazca retorted.

“Paid off!” Mason’s lawyer shouted. “Colluding with Mrs. Brand and her lov...”

“Oh please!” Gazca grow
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