CHAPTER 103. Pretty please?

CHAPTER 103. Pretty please?

As they drove, Andrea looked out the window and watched the landscape change from one side of the city to the other until they finally arrived at the building where her apartment was located.

"You need to close your eyes," he said with a playful tone. "Milo and Loan worked really hard on this. I know they would love to be here to see your reaction, but they'll settle for me telling them about it. So close your eyes."

Andrea obeyed and let herself be guided to the front door.

As soon as they crossed the threshold and he told her she could look, Andrea felt amazed and delighted. The floors were freshly polished, the walls cleaned and painted, and the furniture arranged in a way that made the apartment seem spacious and bright. They had put a lot of effort into making the place look new and welcoming, and it was clear that it had paid off.

Andrea couldn’t believe her eyes.

"Oh my God! This is a thousand times better than I imagined," she murmured, walking arou
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