CHAPTER 107. The sentence

CHAPTER 107. The sentence

Mason’s face was a mask of fury as the audio played.

“Objection!” Basil stood up. “We were not informed this evidence would be presented! It can’t be admitted!”

“The order just came in,” Gazca smiled, showing the judge a document where experts confirmed the authenticity of the voice message, signed only ten minutes earlier.

The judge took the document and read it thoroughly. Then he turned to Gazca.

“Counselor, please play the audio again.”

Gazca didn’t need to be told twice, and a second later, everyone was listening to it again.

“You fucking whore! Are you fucking him? Are you fucking that bastard right now, Andrea? Did you forget what happens when you provoke me, bitch? You want me to send the brat to the hospital again? Huh? Is that what you want? Last time I just gave her bad milk, but who knows what I’ll come up with now! I told you, you can’t escape me! You’ll never escape me, because if you try, your brat will be the one to suffer the consequences! Di
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