CHAPTER 108. We're Leaving

CHAPTER 108. We're Leaving

The two of them looked at each other in silence for a moment, unable to express their feelings but sharing that happiness as Zack brought his face closer to Andrea’s until their lips met in a kiss.

“I love you,” she whispered as they hugged.

“I love you too,” Zack replied. “We have our baby back now, and I won’t let anything or anyone separate us again.”

Zack hugged her tighter, whispering in her ear how much he loved them, sharing all the relief they felt at that moment.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it!” Andrea murmured when Milo brought Adriana over. “I can’t believe no one will ever take her away from us again!”

Zack kissed the little girl, and their siblings hugged them, congratulating them.

“Fifteen days. That’s all we need for the sentence to settle legally, and then you’ll get all the new documents for Adriana,” Gazca told them. “I’ll make sure everything is ready as soon as possible.”

Zack shook his hand with a gesture of gratitude, and everyone left
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