CHAPTER 111. The Perfect Moment

CHAPTER 111. The Perfect Moment

Mason drummed his fingers on the kitchen counter. He had been waiting for hours for the man he was told could handle the job. He was furious, anxious to hear what his contact had to say. Finally, there was a knock at the door, and a short, scrawny, utterly insignificant-looking man with a suitcase greeted him.

“I’m not buying anything,” Mason growled, but before he could close the door, the man stopped him.

“But I am for sale, for a good price, of course.”

Mason frowned.

“You’re the one they call 'Rat'?” he asked incredulously.

“The one and only,” the man smiled.

Mason tensed, his heart racing as he let him in.

“Tell me you’re good for something.”

“What I can do will cost you double what you offered. Zack Keller is a complicated target. His apartment is a fortress, his building is full of cameras, and his parking lot is completely private,” the man replied. “He’s always on the move, and his office is no longer easily accessible. The building is very wel
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