CHAPTER 117. We’ll take care of her

CHAPTER 117. We’ll take care of her

Noémi stood petrified at the door while she stared at Zack, who was standing at the threshold with a suitcase and a baby in his arms. When Chiara joined her out of curiosity, the shock was mutual.

“Zack...? What are you doing here?” she stammered.

“You better sit down,” he said, entering the house. “We need to talk.”

The twins looked at each other, but after noticing he was alone, they closed the door and followed him to the living room.

“If I'm here, it's because I need your help.”

“What do you mean?” Noémi asked. “What's going on?”

Telling them everything that was happening, unfortunately, included a much longer story that he couldn't gloss over.

“See? I told you!” Chiara exclaimed, standing up. “I knew she wasn’t your daughter, and there you were, lying to our faces!”

“Who the hell cares that she’s not my biological daughter, Chiara?” Zack snapped. “She’s still my family, and I’m going to take care of her. That’s why I’m here—because her mother i
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