CHAPTER 116. The Hardest Decision

CHAPTER 116. The Hardest Decision

"Don't let me go," she said in the most controlled voice she could manage.

"I'm not going to, love, we're going to fix this, I promise..."

"Zack!" she interrupted him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck and speaking very low so only he could hear her. "Listen to me... you have to take Adriana."

Zack tried to pull back to look her in the eyes, but she didn't let him.

"Listen to me! They're going to take her... I can't explain now, but they're going to take her. Mason will hurt her. You have to take her..." she sobbed in desperation. "The suitcase at the house... Plan B in case things didn't go well... you have to do it."


"You have to do it! You have to keep her safe. Promise me..."

When Zack pulled back, his eyes were filled with tears.

"I can't leave you alone..."

"Yes, you can! You can because she comes first!" Andrea replied, looking him in the eyes. "Our daughter comes first! Promise me!"

Zack felt as if the ground was opening up
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