CHAPTER 118. Two Incompetents and a Baby

CHAPTER 118. Two Incompetents and a Baby

"Is everything okay? Did something happen to Adriana?" Zack asked worriedly, but as soon as Chiara put the phone camera on, he could see the little girl crawling all over the apartment.

"She's fine, but we are never having kids..." Noémi mumbled, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. "I wanted to ask you something really important... why does she poop so much?"

Zack stifled a laugh and decided not to ask exactly what that stain on her eyebrow was. It was enough to see how disheveled she looked!

"It's normal. Babies are like that, but if things get too difficult, you can hire a specialized nurse," Zack responded. "Did she finish her bottle?"

"Well... she drank about half of it..." his sister murmured.

"And what happened to the other half?" Zack asked.

"Chiara is using it for her wet T-shirt contest," Noémi said, and Zack understood perfectly that she had been splashed with the bottle.

In the background, he heard shouts, and a minute lat
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