CHAPTER 120. Never ever!

CHAPTER 120. Never ever!

Shortly after, Zack was flying back to Vancouver. He felt more at ease, but even so, his heart raced when he arrived at the jail.

"Sorry, we couldn't keep her at the station," Gazca apologized. "For now, she's in minimum-security prison awaiting trial. I got us a visit as her lawyer, let's go."

Zack didn't say a word as they checked in to enter, just trying to contain the rage that all of this caused him.

When they reached the private visiting room, Zack was surprised by what he found. She was sitting in the chair with her head in her hands and an utterly exhausted look on her face, but her eyes lit up when she saw him. She stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly and crying.

"Shhh..." he said, stroking her hair as he held her close to his chest. "It's over, everything's okay now. Adriana is safe, I promise."

Andrea nodded while still sobbing. Zack's presence was all she needed to finally let go and unload the weight from her shoulders. He gently wiped awa
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