CHAPTER 119. The Worst of Them All

CHAPTER 119. The Worst of Them All

"I just need one name. Just one," Zack demanded in his next call with lawyer Gazca. "Every man fears someone, Licenciado, and Mr. Rizzuto is no exception."

Gazca had given him that name: John Hopkins.

Four hours later, Zack found himself sitting in an all-white, brightly lit office at the Langley headquarters in Virginia. All he had to do was mention that name and Rizzuto's in the same sentence to be immediately brought to the man himself.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the agent asked suspiciously. Zack understood; it wasn’t every day someone walked into the CIA claiming they wanted to help capture the biggest mafia boss in Montreal. "Why don't you be honest with me and tell me what you have against Vito Rizzuto?"

Zack took a small notepad and wrote down two words: "Andrea Brand."

"Look her up and I’ll tell you why I’m here."

John Hopkins stood up and immediately began making calls. He was a serious, stern man, around thirty-five years old, wit
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