CHAPTER 115. I want my call and my lawyer

CHAPTER 115. I want my call and my lawyer

Andrea was furious when she saw Mason enter the interrogation room. She knew he was out for revenge, and now she knew where it was coming from.

—Bastard! It was you! —she exclaimed, standing up because she had no doubt that this was Mason’s doing.

He gestured to the police officers, who immediately left the room, leaving them alone.

—You’re not the only one with good contacts in the police —he said, turning off the small camera inside the room—. Turns out if you pay enough, you can get a lot of help from the honorable Police Department of this city.

Andrea clenched her fists in helplessness.

—You’re a criminal, and you’re going to pay for this! Zack won’t sit quietly while you frame me! —she spat with hatred. Mason had set a trap for his own benefit; what Andrea didn’t know was that she was just the bait.

Mason looked at her with disdain, daring her to do something, and smiled cynically.

—Well, the truth is, the evidence is irrefutable. Two ki
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