CHAPTER 114. A Trap

CHAPTER 114. A Trap

—What happened? Is Andrea alright? —he asked, his heart in his throat.

—Health-wise, yes, but the police stopped her truck at a roadblock and are arresting her right now —the bodyguard told him—. It doesn’t look like a simple ticket... it seems more serious.

—Follow the patrol and tell me which station they’re taking her to! —exclaimed Zack, and then everything around him became urgent calls and haste.

Andrea, on her part, had no idea what it was about until one of the police officers instructed her to pull over to the side of the road. The truth was, everyone sped past until they reached her. She frowned when she saw them releasing dogs around the car and rolled down the window to hear an officer ask her to get out of the vehicle.

That’s when the nightmare began.

The police searched the truck thoroughly. Andrea didn’t understand; it was as if they knew there was something illegal there. In what seemed like an eternity, they started moving things around and pulled
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