CHAPTER 113. We have a problem

CHAPTER 113. We have a problem

As they began their little road trip, Zack and Andrea headed north, and the landscape changed quickly. The air smelled of pine, and the sky was brighter. They drove with the windows down, the wind in their faces, while Zack sang along with the radio and Adriana laughed in her car seat in the back.

After an hour, they left the highway for a gravel road and drove a few more miles until they reached Mrs. Wilson's residence. It was a small, picturesque villa surrounded by grass and trees. As they approached, they saw numerous elderly people exercising in the garden, while others relaxed in rocking chairs and patio seats.

Mrs. Wilson greeted them with open arms and a huge smile on her face.

“But how big the princess has grown!” she exclaimed upon seeing Adriana, and the baby must have recognized her immediately because she refused to leave her lap the entire time they were there.

She talked about her life at the residence and the new friends she had made.

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