CHAPTER 112. You have to be quiet...

CHAPTER 112. You have to be quiet...

"You're an incredible man," she said, setting the suitcase aside and hugging him.

He held her tightly and promised he would never let anyone separate them. Andrea kissed him in response, her tears slowly rolling down her face. Once again, Zack had saved her in ways he couldn’t even imagine. She knew their lives would change forever, but she felt like she already had everything she wanted in the world.

They couldn’t resist the impulse to cling to each other. The kiss was passionate, their lips meeting in a perfect melody only they could understand.

“I want to take it slow,” Zack murmured as his mouth traveled down her neck to her breasts, and Andrea gasped, tilting her head back.

“Liar! You’re going to lose control just like always,” she accused, feeling her body start to tense and vibrate.

“Maybe, but at least this time I have the intention.”

Zack undressed her completely and kissed her desperately. Every part of her skin was a delight to his sense
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