CHAPTER 110. A Proud Man

CHAPTER 110. A Proud Man

—$200,000... $200,000 a year...? You got a $200,000 annual sponsorship for the kid? —Zack exclaimed, unable to believe it.

—Is that too little?

—No, it’s a lot for someone who’s still two years away from the professional league! —Zack exclaimed. —The first sponsorship I ever got was for $60,000.

Andrea’s eyes widened.

—Really? You swear? —she exclaimed, jumping on her tiptoes like a child.

—I swear, love, I swear! —Zack said, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her. —You’re amazing! You’re spectacular!

After the game, Zack and Andrea headed to the parking lot to go home. As they walked, Andrea couldn’t help but think about how nice the outing had been and felt she had much to be thankful for despite everything.

—What would I do if you hadn’t come into my life? —she asked quietly.

—You would have found a way to move forward because that’s just who you are, —Zack replied without hesitation. —I, on the other hand, would have spent the rest of my life being
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