CHAPTER 100. A deep bond

CHAPTER 100. A deep bond

Zack frowned.

"The trial?" he asked, confused.

"The lawyer can explain it better, but Mason's attorney managed to move up the trial and requested permanent custody of Adriana."

Zack cursed in frustration. He couldn't believe that guy was so intent on causing harm that he didn't hold back.

"Don't be like that, Gazca says this is good," Loan replied. "We just have to hurry, there's a lot to do in two days."

When they got back to the house, the lawyer sat down to talk with him. He had his strategy mapped out and a clear idea of how to handle the trial against Mason.

"The law is on our side, but I'll be honest, guys like this never stop causing trouble," the lawyer assured him. "Even if Mrs. Brand gets permanent custody, the law gives the father the right to have the child at least on weekends, and in the best case, if he's only allowed supervised visits, he'll still take the opportunity to create problems. That will never stop."

Zack clenched his fists. He had a
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