CHAPTER 90. I'm Here to Stay

CHAPTER 90. I'm Here to Stay

"That's not true!" Andrea sobbed.

"I'll tell you what's true," Mason gloated. "I'm walking out of this hospital with the kid in my arms, and there's nothing you can do because a judge gave her to me."

"Are you sure you want to play that card?" The voice behind them made them turn, and they saw Zack's grim face. "It's not in your best interest to threaten either of them."

"Stay out of this, idiot. It's none of your business! If you'd left when I warned you, you would have spared her many tears," Mason growled, then reached his hands out to Andrea. "Give me the baby."

"No... Mason..."

"Give me the baby or I'll call the police!"

"I'm not leaving my daughter alone with you to hurt her!" Andrea screamed.

"Then you know what you have to do," Mason hissed. "Walk straight ahead of me and get in my car."

Andrea swallowed hard as tears streamed down her face, but she knew she had no other choice. If Mason was willing to do anything to subdue her, she was willing to
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