CHAPTER 89. One way or another

CHAPTER 89. One way or another

Andrea felt like the world was collapsing around her. She clutched her hands in her lap, mustering the strength not to scream.

"How... how did you know Adriana was in the hospital?" she asked Zack.

"Ben just told me. I asked him to keep an eye on Adriana, and apparently, Mason himself made sure to notify him that the baby got sick... supposedly because he couldn’t reach you."

Andrea's eyes filled with tears as Zack drove at full speed.

"That’s a lie! I don’t even have a missed call from him!" she growled in frustration. "Did he say... did he say what happened?"

"No, just that she was admitted to the ER," Zack murmured, taking one of her hands and squeezing it in a reassuring gesture that didn’t help her at all.

Twenty minutes later, around eleven at night, they were running through the hospital corridors until they reached the emergency desk.

"Adriana Brand... she’s my daughter!" Andrea exclaimed, stopping in front of the nurse on duty who quickly typed
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