CHAPTER 88. Strategy

CHAPTER 88. Strategy

She picked up her shoes and headed to the door, not seeing that despite everything, Zack was trying to get up to do a little victory dance.

"She's jealous... Oh, damn, this hurts...!" he groaned, limping towards the minibar. "But she's jealous... That’s something!"

He smiled as he sat on a suite sofa and pressed something cold against his jewels. She was jealous!

Zack knew he had made a monumental mistake with her, but he was determined to fix everything, absolutely everything.

Meanwhile, at that very moment, Mason was face-to-face with Mr. Gazca and Ben, who were waiting for him by the elevator.

"Where's Andrea?" he hissed without even a greeting when he didn’t see her anywhere.

A nurse from the daycare took the baby, not without Ben greeting her first, and then he turned to Mason.

"Andrea had a business trip. She should be back tonight."

Mason felt his blood boil.

"She had a business trip?" he growled, half-angry, half-incredulous. "Who did she go with?" Ben cle
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