CHAPTER 87. You're jealous!

CHAPTER 87. You're jealous!

She was strong; she was a mini toy puppy, but she had strength, and Zack knew it when she pulled the sheet and sent him tumbling to the floor.

“Why am I naked, Zack Keller!?” she growled fiercely, seeing him peek over the other side of the bed. “Wasn't your horny conquest last night enough for you? Did you have to rub yourself against me too?”

Zack frowned, having no idea what she was referring to, but it was almost better to stay on the floor because when he stood up in just those boxers, Andrea's thoughts went weak.

“Hey, hey, I know you shouldn't provoke a woman when she's in her time of the month... and by that, I mean all three hundred and sixty-five days... but I didn't do anything!” he declared. “What horny conquest are you talking about? Start there, and for the record, if I had rubbed against you, you wouldn't be standing, and you know it!”

Andrea threw the nearest thing she had, which unfortunately was a pillow.

“Oh, how kind of you! Thank you so
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