CHAPTER 86. What Happened Here Last Night!?

CHAPTER 86. What Happened Here Last Night!?

Andrea looked around; she had a lot of furniture to organize and a house to tidy up, but fulfilling her first advertising contract was the priority. She packed her suitcase and tried to rest.

The next day, she spent the entire morning with Adriana, making up for the time she would miss her with lots of kisses and hugs. Zack instructed Ben and Mr. Gazca to oversee Adriana's entry into the daycare in the morning.

At noon, they boarded a private flight, and by the time they arrived in Boston, their spirits were high. They were immediately settled in a luxury hotel, and the advertising company sent a limousine for them.

A very beautiful woman came out to greet them. She was obviously older than Zack but looked stunning in her executive attire.

“Zack, darling, I’m glad you arrived safely. And especially for bringing me this prince!” Sophi greeted excitedly, looking at Gideon. “I wasn’t wrong, he’s perfect.”

Sophi greeted the athlete and his mothe
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