CHAPTER 85. I’ll pack my bag

CHAPTER 85. I’ll pack my bag

Zack wasn’t alarmed because news from England was usually good, but he still answered within two seconds.

“Hello, love of my life, torment of my soul, desire of my heart...!”

“You're such an idiot when you want to be, James!” Zack scoffed. “But I love you too. What's up? My assistant said it was urgent.”

“Well, yeah! You called me to light a fire under my ass, and I’m returning the favor!” his friend laughed.

James King and Zack had studied together at Oxford. Now, James managed one of the branches of Kings Holding Corporation while his older sister, Sophia, ran the Boston branch. Zack knew and respected her a lot, but he preferred to deal with his friend first.

“Listen, Sophi called me. She got an urgent project for a youth trench coat brand,” James explained. “I showed her the picture you sent of the kid, and she liked his ‘aura’ or whatever. So if you can get to Boston with the guy by five o’clock tomorrow, the contract is yours.”

Zack almost jumped wit
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