CHAPTER 84. Only the best

CHAPTER 84. Only the best

"I... I'll find a way to repay you," Andrea decided.

"You do that every day with your work. Ben told me that contract you landed was really exceptional," Zack replied. "Now you should focus on getting her good advertising deals."

She nodded slowly, and Zack had to summon all his willpower not to go hug her like he wanted.

"Hey, Ben is asking for projects from an American advertising company. You can review them together," he informed her.


"Yes... Ben," he replied, and Andrea nodded.

"Okay, I'll go see him," she murmured before heading to her office. But no matter how much she wanted to hide it, it was clear to her that Zack had his hands in all of this.

She had two options: to hold onto her pride or to accept the help from the company's lawyer, but with her daughter's well-being at stake, there wasn't much room for pride.

Ben handed her a large folder with the projects that KHC Group Advertising was working on at that moment and then handed her a check
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