CHAPTER 70. A month in hell

CHAPTER 70. A month in hell

“His mother.”

“Excuse me?” Andrea couldn’t believe it. “His mother?”

“Mrs. Stormhold is a widow and acts as her son's representative. She has never let an agent near him,” Ben explained. “So, no one has ever been able to represent him.”

Andrea pondered this. The company gave bonuses for securing difficult athletes, but no one seemed to want to tackle this particular one.

That night she went home thinking about it, but the next day she forgot everything as soon as she had to sit in the courtroom. She was nervous because she knew that day could determine her daughter's future. She took a deep breath and tried to remember that she was a mother and the state should help her raise her daughter, not take her away.

The judge immediately called the social workers to testify.

Mason's social worker was full of praise, saying he had all the conditions and comforts to care for his daughter since he lived in an exclusive area of the city.

Then they called Andrea’s socia
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