CHAPTER 72. I want to see my granddaughter

CHAPTER 72. I want to see my granddaughter

“But less sick than your father’s,” his mother explained. “They would perform two surgeries in one, the transplant and the repair of a valve in the new heart... I know it’s complicated, but his doctor says it’s our only chance to have him with us for a few more years,” Luana explained. “Please, you need to come. He’ll already be in surgery when you arrive, but I need the family together. Please.”

Zack took a deep breath. Any chance to have more time with his father, he would take without hesitation, so he simply nodded.

“I’ll head out right away, Mom.”

An hour later, he was flying to Zurich, and indeed, when he arrived, his father was already in surgery. The worry and anxiety about the operation made it easier to avoid questions about Andrea and the baby with a simple, “They’re fine,” but deep down, he knew that sooner or later, he’d have to face that conversation with his father.

Hours passed until a doctor finally came out.

“He’s in critica
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