CHAPTER 73. A Desperate Attempt

CHAPTER 73. A Desperate Attempt

People might take a day to cry, but Andrea didn’t give herself even a minute; she couldn’t, because all she wanted was to get her daughter back. The social worker accompanied them to Mason’s residence that afternoon, and Andrea felt like vomiting at the sight of the mansion he lived in and the car he drove while she only had a crib for her daughter.

Of course, the social worker didn’t miss the impact, nor the pain of having to leave her daughter in the arms of Mason’s nurse, because the moment he held her, the baby started crying desperately.

That night Andrea felt like she was dying without her daughter. She could only think about how she was probably unable to sleep because she was with strangers. The next day, Andrea couldn’t even drink a coffee while anxiously waiting at the building’s entrance until Mason arrived in his Mercedes, and the nurse, looking haggard and tired, handed her the baby.

Andrea hugged and kissed her daughter as if she hadn’t se
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