CHAPTER 74. The person on the other side

CHAPTER 74. The person on the other side

"I don't have business cards, Mrs. Stormhold. I'm not that important. And if I did, you wouldn't call me. You're just trying to get rid of me politely. But we both know you wouldn't call, which is why I asked for five minutes of your time."

The woman stared at her in silence for a long moment, then looked at the rink where her son was practicing and nodded. "Let's go outside; I don't want to distract him."

Andrea followed her out of the stands, and Mrs. Stormhold stopped in front of her in one of the deserted hallways.

"Alright, what did you want to tell me?"

"Mrs. Stormhold, I am an apprentice to a representative at Nexa Sport Representation, an American company newly established in the country, although it already represents many Canadian athletes," Andrea said firmly. "I'm here to offer my services. I would like to be your son's agent."

The woman in front of her was very well-mannered, so she simply shook her head gently. "Thank you, but my
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