CHAPTER 75. What happened?”

CHAPTER 75. What happened?”

Andrea felt her heart stop for a second when she saw him there. He was wearing a long black trench coat, a turtleneck sweater, and his hair was as impeccable as ever. His expression was tired, as if it was a burden for him to be there. He was still seductive, still attractive... and suddenly, it was as if all the butterflies she had felt for him had turned into rats trying to devour her stomach from the inside.

For days, Andrea had wished to see him appear at that threshold, but now... now it was very different.

Zack discreetly glanced inside and was surprised that absolutely nothing had changed there, but he refrained from saying so. By that time, he expected Mason to have moved back into the apartment and to have to negotiate with both of them.

“Hi,” he said with his usual softness.

“Hi,” murmured Andrea, but her hand didn’t move from the handle and her body continued to block the door.

For a long minute, neither of them spoke. She looked at him with a bl
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