CHAPTER 76. Nothing More to Say

CHAPTER 76. Nothing More to Say

Andrea sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She felt exhausted, lost, and a bit numb.

“His lawyer said that this place as it is wasn’t suitable for raising a child, that it wasn’t a healthy environment, and the judge agreed,” she murmured.

“And what did your lawyer say? Didn’t he argue against that?”

Andrea bit her lip, feeling the deep pain these kinds of conversations brought, especially because she was having it with him.

“Why won’t you answer me, Andrea?” Zack insisted.

“Because I’m making a huge effort not to call you ‘stupid’!” she snapped, and he held his breath. “I don’t even have a bed to sleep in, Zack! Where the hell was I supposed to get money for a lawyer?! Mason sued me for custody, and within two weeks, he had taken my daughter, and there was nothing I could do!”

Zack’s eyes filled with tears, and he roared with frustration. He couldn’t believe Mason had been so cruel to Andrea and the baby, but even more so that Adriana was alone wi
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