CHAPTER 77. How can I not blame myself?!

CHAPTER 77. How can I not blame myself?!

If there was ever a time for the ground to open up and swallow someone whole, for Zack Keller, that moment was now.

Their conversation hadn't been long, but Andrea's words echoed endlessly in his mind:

"Mason took my daughter because I refused to go back to him."

"I don’t even have a bed to sleep in, Zack! Where the hell was I supposed to get money for a lawyer?!"

"I just want you to leave."

"You didn’t ruin anything, you were just... inconsequential."

Perhaps the worst part of it all was that after promising to help her, to protect her, he hadn't been there to make any difference. Andrea had lost her daughter, and no matter how much she insisted it wasn’t his fault, Zack couldn’t stop feeling that it was.

Ben jumped when he arrived early the next morning and found Zack pacing the office like a caged lion. His disheveled appearance made it clear he hadn’t slept all night, and his eyes were red from worry. Ben approached slowly, feeling a pang
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