CHAPTER 79. That kind of power

CHAPTER 79. That kind of power

Andrea walked to the reception area nervously. She was expecting one of the old clients who were obviously nervous about the change in management, but what she found was an unexpected surprise.

Standing before her was a tall and handsome young man, dressed in a dark blue coat. He had a kind face and a gentle demeanor that Andrea had seen many times over the past two weeks, though mostly via video.

“Mr. Stormhold?” she exclaimed.

“Please, just call me Gideon. I’m only twenty years old even if I look older,” he responded in a deep, soft voice, extending his hand to greet her. “And you must be Mrs. Brand. I’ve come to meet you.”

Andrea felt her heart skip a beat. She had been chasing after him, of course, but she never expected him to show up there.

“Of course, please… Can I offer you a coffee?”

Gideon nodded, and Andrea used the company card to take him down to the café. A few minutes later, they were seated at a small table, and Andrea gave him her full a
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