CHAPTER 78. Way out of your league

CHAPTER 78. Way out of your league

A luxury car stopped in front of the building, and Mason, dressed impeccably, stepped out along with a nurse holding the baby in her arms. Andrea immediately took her and cradled her against her chest.

"Ben... do you know a good private investigator?" she suddenly asked.

"I can get one. Why?" her friend responded.

"Because it seems too strange that a man who had to steal from his wife and daughter six months ago is now driving a high-end Mercedes-Benz," she replied angrily. "I need everything on that man, Ben, right down to the color of his damn underwear!"

She walked away quickly, trying to contain her emotions, and headed toward the door. She had to find Andrea; she had to apologize for abandoning her and tell her that he would help, that he would move heaven and earth to permanently put Adriana back in her arms, but first, he had something to do.

He took the stairs because, with Adriana in her arms, Zack was sure Andrea would take the elevator, an
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