CHAPTER 81. A very serious accusation

CHAPTER 81. A very serious accusation

Andrea couldn't understand how she could feel so bad and so good at the same time. She had secured her contract, but Mason had the nose of a bloodhound for ruining her happiness.

"I’ll... I'll be at my desk..." she murmured softly, as if talking to herself, and Zack felt a knot in his stomach, realizing how much it was affecting her. She had lost weight and at times seemed out of it.

"How much is the bonus for the contract?" he asked Ben after the door closed behind her.

"Four thousand dollars," his friend replied.

"Double it, and let's start looking for advertising contracts for the boy," Zack commanded, fully embracing his role as the owner of the company. "There are some strings we can pull to get him exceptional publicity..." He checked his watch, calculating the time because he knew it must be late in the UK, and the person he wanted to talk to was there. "I'll make that call tonight, but for now, we need to deal with the daycare issue."

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