CHAPTER 82. The First Piece

CHAPTER 82. The First Piece

The social workers looked at each other and both fell silent, stunned.

"Alright, we can do this one of two ways, Director. You come with me to declare the daycare operational, or we pose for tomorrow's headline photos. Which do you prefer?"

Mr. Gazca was an imposing man with many years of professional experience. The fact that he was willing to take this to the very end only increased Zack's confidence in him. Shortly afterward, they had the necessary documentation, and Gazca patted Zack on the shoulder with a smile.

"All set, Mr. Keller. Tomorrow you'll have the little girl back in her daycare. If you want to see how, be at this address tomorrow at eight sharp."

Zack nodded, satisfied, and fell into thought for a moment.

"I appreciate you handling the case, but I'm worried Andrea won't accept my help," he said. "I mean, after everything that happened between us... we had a bad breakup and she still hasn’t forgiven me."

"There are other ways. I’m also the c
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