CHAPTER 71. A debt

CHAPTER 71. A debt

Zack looked out the enormous window of his office in the heart of Manhattan. It had been two days since that phone conversation with Andrea, where she had asked just one question and he hadn’t even known if she had heard his answer because all he could hear after that was Ben yelling at her not to leave.

He would have liked to say that he hadn’t been able to sleep since that moment, but the truth was he hadn’t been able to sleep since the moment he boarded that plane to leave Canada. The shadow of Mason Lee standing in his doorway kept returning to his mind. The unpleasant introduction, the threats he didn’t care about at all, and then that declaration.

“You can ignore everything, but the reality is that Andrea and I will never be apart because there is a child involved,” Mason had hissed with satisfaction.

“A child you abandoned!”

“That doesn’t matter, it doesn’t change the fact that I was Andrea’s husband for years while you’ve only been with her for two weeks. Ha
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