CHAPTER 41. Just a show

CHAPTER 41. Just a show

No one mentioned the wedding again that night. Andrea smiled, chatted, and played with her daughter, but the Kellers only had to look at Zack's face to know that nothing was going well. Finally, the baby started crying for her bottle, and Andrea asked permission to leave.

When Zack entered the room half an hour later, she had already changed and was trying to put the baby to sleep. He ran his fingers through his hair slowly, sitting in front of them on a small stool and trying to catch her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that," he murmured, and Andrea looked at him. "I regret what I said, please forgive me."

The girl took a deep breath but didn't stop rocking her daughter.

"There's nothing to forgive, Zack. You didn't say anything that wasn't true," she responded firmly.

"Yes, I did," he denied with frustration. "You're not my employee, you're my friend..."

"No, I'm not your friend," she interrupted. "Your friend wouldn't have charged you
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