CHAPTER 45. A Broken Bed

CHAPTER 45. A Broken Bed

"And how do you want it?"

The question was simple, but he couldn't answer it.

"Voluntary, sincere, real," Zack thought, but instead, he just took a step back, letting the air flow between them.

"I can do it myself," he smiled softly, and Andrea left the bathroom, realizing as she closed the door that she was suffocating.

She closed her eyes for a moment and sat on the edge of the bed. He was very handsome, literally sexy enough to take her breath away, but she couldn't afford to fall for him.

But it was difficult! Especially when the damned man came out of the bathroom, half dripping water over all those tattoos.

"Can you help me with the shirt?" Zack asked innocently, and Andrea nodded because he had already done the hardest part, which was putting on his pajama pants.

But putting on his shirt meant touching him, and touching him anywhere seemed dangerous because Andrea felt warmer than ever.

Lying in that bed was a challenge, but the truth was she was so exh
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