CHAPTER 46. I’m really sorry.

CHAPTER 46. I’m really sorry.

Zack's hand had improved a lot; despite the pain, the burns were minor. Still, he took advantage of the situation so Andrea would have to pamper him in every possible way. Having her so close was maddening. Zack didn't understand when this woman had started causing him such stress, but it was simple: wanting what he couldn't have. And though he didn't know when he began wanting her for himself, desiring her in that way, it had become impossible not to turn his head every time she changed clothes.

“Can I choose your dress?” Zack murmured, watching Andrea pick out what she would wear for the baby's baptism.

There were four days left until Christmas, and the family had decided to move the celebration up. They would baptize Adriana in the town church and then have a beautiful party at the house. They would celebrate Christmas Eve just with the family.

“Sure,” Andrea murmured, and Zack chose a beautiful navy blue dress that matched the color of her eyes.

“Do y
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