CHAPTER 47: Guilt and Lies (I)

CHAPTER 47: Guilt and Lies (I)

Zack wanted the ground to open up and swallow him right then and there. How or why that woman was there, he didn't know, but he was sure it meant nothing good for him.

Andrea saw his face darken in an instant, and Zack's arm wrapped around her waist as he leaned in close.

"What's happening?"

"Nothing good, Sweetie," he growled, and Andrea saw the twins enthusiastically talking to the newcomer.

"Who is she?" she asked softly but then remembered that Zack didn't usually bring women home, so she wasn't just any ex; she was "the ex."

Zack sighed, knowing he had to tell her.

"That's Giselle," he said quietly.

Andrea stayed silent for a moment and then spoke.

"You were right, your sisters weren’t going to stay calm," she murmured. "They had enough imagination to bring her here. Are you afraid she'll cause a scene?"

Zack nodded. He had never feared this moment because there was no reason for his family to meet Giselle. After all, they lived on opposite ends of
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