CHAPTER 44. If I say "kiss me"...
CHAPTER 45. If I say "kiss me"...

"Nice move!" whispered his mother as she passed by and grabbed a cookie from the tray. "Turns out you're not as dumb as I thought!"

"Are you crazy? Do you think I burned my hand on purpose?" Zack whispered back.

"Oh, that was an accident? I take it back, you're as dumb as I thought, but at least make the most of it. Love you, son!"

Zack rolled his eyes, but he didn't need to pretend it hurt because it genuinely did. Andrea came back a few minutes later with a first aid kit and pulled his hand out of the cold water, letting it dry a bit before applying some cream. Her touch was soft and sweet, and she had a worried expression that stirred something deep inside Zack because he wanted it to be genuine.

"All set, this will make you feel better. Let's put some bandages on to help it heal faster," she murmured, and Zack felt a shiver every time she touched him.

"Thanks," he murmured, watching her smile.

After that, he couldn't help much because his dominant
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