CHAPTER 43. Wake up, Zack!

CHAPTER 43. Wake up, Zack!

Andrea stared at the chocolate in her cup as if she could find an answer there while Mr. Nikola waited for her to speak. Why didn't she want to marry Zack? Andrea knew that the answer to that question wasn't easy to explain. She remained silent for a moment, trying to organize her thoughts. Then, she took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Mr. Nikola... before I met Zack, I was already married."

The man in front of her looked surprised for a minute but then his expression softened.

"I understand. It didn't end well," he murmured.

"It ended in the most horrible way possible. The truth is, my marriage was a very unfortunate experience. At first, I was very excited about the idea of getting married, I was young and in love. I imagined that marriage would bring me happiness, love, and fulfillment; but nothing could be further from the truth." Andrea sighed, if she had to lie, she would at least do it with a part of the truth. "It has taken a lot of work and ener
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