CHAPTER 42. The Worst of All

CHAPTER 42. The Worst of All

"That she'll try harder to play her role."

"Nope, it's hopeless, you really messed it up."

"Mom!" he exclaimed.

"What do you want me to say?" his mother retorted. "You've only been here three days, and you already lost your girlfriend! That must be a record or something!"

Zack took a deep breath, and his mother could feel his desperation. Needless to say, she had never seen him get this worked up over anyone, let alone a mere employee.

"Do you know what's the worst part?" she heard him murmur. "That now, when she smiles at me, I won't know if it's genuine."

"Well... that's what you're paying her for, Zack, to smile at you. If you also want her heart, son... I think you're going to have to steal it, because no one can pay for that," Luana concluded, patting his shoulder.

Zack stayed there a while longer, alone, until he rummaged through the drawers for a pair of scissors and took a tub of ice cream from the fridge to bring upstairs. But by the time he got b
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