CHAPTER 40. A Service Agreement

CHAPTER 40. A Service Agreement

"Okay, Dad, whatever you want..."

"No." That single word came out with more determination than Andrea had expected, making everyone look at her.

"No?" Mr. Nikola murmured, surprised.

"Sorry, but no," she repeated, and Zack approached her as Andrea shook her head.


"It's too soon, no," she insisted before turning around and leaving.

Everyone stood in stunned silence, watching her walk back to the terrace, and Zack ran after her. Besides the barely concealed satisfaction on the twins' faces, only one other face showed emotions, and it was Luana's before she turned to her husband.

"Why did you do that, Nikola?" she questioned.

"What's wrong with it? I was just happy they were getting married!" the man murmured.

"But you shouldn't have pressured them! What they do, they should do on their own time, not yours!" Luana replied.

"For God's sake, they already have a daughter!" Noémi interjected.

"You stay out of this," Milo growled.

"But she's right,"
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